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发表于 2013-2-22 12:03:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式








Ø         ISCA-China北京办公室的日常工作

Ø         作为ISCA-China合作方在中国的首要联系人,解答有关的问询和安排。

Ø         ISCA-China成员方和ISCA-China行政助理的协助下,为ISCA-China在中国举办的研讨会和论坛提供后勤和组织支持。

Ø         联系中国院校的代表,组织ISCA-China成员方的会议并开发新的网络机会。

Ø         为访问中国的ISCA-China成员方提供向导和口译服务,或者帮助找到适合的向导和口译人员。

Ø         作为向导、口译和联络人参与在中国举办的ISCA-China各项活动。

Ø         用英语精确记录ISCA-China项目相关的所有行动和活动。

ü         ISCA-China行政助理就如下事宜保持联系:

ü         ISCA-China经费支持的教师和学生交流访问,相关的差旅安排。

ü         ISCA-China项目预算管理

Ø         按时向爱尔兰科学基金会提交进展报告。

Ø         负责ISCA-China网站开发的监管和内容的维护。

Ø         能够很好地理解Chinese and European Horizon 2020的科研投入环境,并发现现在的ISCA-China联合经费机会。

Ø         同中国的科研经费机构建立联系并发展合作。

Ø         ISCA-China合作方的中方院校有意申请Horizon 2020经费,应向其提供支持。

Ø         ISCA-China管理委员会共同制定ISCA-China项目的策略,致力于项目的成长和稳定性。

Ø         各成员方提出的ISCA-China项目相关的其他工作职责。



Ø         优秀的中英文口语和书写沟通能力。

Ø         至少三年以上管理支持经验,包括项目进程管理、市场营销和策略规划。

Ø         良好的规划和组织技巧。

Ø         出色的协作能力。

Ø         熟练的计算机操作能力,包括MS Office软件系统,以及网站推广管理经验。

Ø         工作方法灵活、专业。

Ø         财务管理的经验。

Ø         自主工作的能力。




Programme Coordinator – ISCA-China
Applications are invited for the post of Programme Coordinator with the International Strategic Collaboration Award (ISCA)-China programme. This is a 12 month post and the successful candidate will operate from the newly-established ISCA-China office in Beijing.
The National University of Ireland Maynooth, was recently awarded a Science Foundation Ireland International Strategic Collaboration Award in partnership with Dublin City University, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin Institute of Technology, and The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. This award will build and enhance joint research activities between the Irish partners and various universities in China. We are now seeking an enthusiastic, reliable and professional Programme Coordinator to oversee and provide ongoing logistical support to the partners in this programme. This post will report to the NUI Maynooth Vice President for Research (VPR). The Programme Coordinator will work closely with the ISCA-China Executive Assistant at NUI Maynooth. It is expected that the successful candidate will be fluent in Mandarin and have experience of employment and/or education in an English speaking country. Candidates should be educated to PhD level and be able to demonstrate programme management capabilities, preferably gained in an academic or research setting. The post demands the ability to work with initiative, flexibility, and to possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
Duties and Responsibilities:
• Establish the daily operations of the ISCA-China office in Beijing
• Primary contact point in China for the ISCA-China partners with regard to ISCA-related queries and arrangements
• Provide logistical and organisational support for China-based ISCA-China workshops and symposia, with assistance from ISCA-China members and an ISCA-China Executive Assistant
• Liaise with representatives of Chinese institutions and organise meetings between ISCA-China consortium members and develop new network opportunities
• Where possible, act as a guide and interpreter for ISCA-China consortium partners visiting China, or facilitate provision of a guide and interpreter.
• Attend all ICSA-China events based in China in a guide, interpreter and point of contact capacity
• Keep accurate records in English of all actions and activities relating to the ISCA-China programme
• Liaise with ISCA-China Executive Assistant with regard to:
o Travel and accommodation arrangements in China for staff and student exchange visits using ISCA-China funds
o ISCA-China programme budget management
o Timely preparation and submission of progress reports to SFI
• Oversee the development and maintain the content of an ISCA-China web portal
• Develop a good understanding of the Chinese and European Horizon 2020 research funding environments and identify potential ISCA-China joint funding opportunities
• Establish links and build relationships with Chinese funding agencies
• Provide a gateway for Chinese institutions that are ISCA-China partners, wishing to
apply for Horizon 2020 funds
• In conjunction with the ISCA-China Management Board, develop a strategy for
growth and sustainability of the ISCA-China programme
• Any additional duties relating to the ISCA-China programme as required by the
consortium members
Experience and Qualifications:
• Effective verbal and written communication skills in both English and Chinese
• A minimum of 3 years administrative support experience, including project/process
management, marketing and strategic planning.
• Well-developed planning and organisational skills.
• Excellent networking skills.
• Demonstrated proficiency in IT including MS Office software for information
management and record-keeping, and experience of overseeing the development of an
online presence.
• Flexible and professional approach to work.
• Experience of financial administration.
• Ability to work on own initiative.
• Educated to PhD level in any discipline. Academic research experience an advantage.
• Knowledge of the Chinese University research environment essential. An established
network of contacts within Chinese institutions would also be of benefit.

[本话题由 NUIM 于 2013-02-22 12:04:28 编辑]

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