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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-1-20 17:36
  • 签到天数: 22 天


    发表于 2015-5-15 15:18:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    When US President Bill Clinton to speech in Beijing, the Beijing University students give Clinton applause at the same time, also gave him a series of sharp questions. Clinton although tried and public speaking in the "battlefield", however, accept PKU President Chen Jiaer introduced him, sitting on the stage of the Clinton from time to time, looking at the hands of the manuscript, murmuring, obviously can not be taken lightly. In 30 minutes before the speech, Clinton smiled and read by a professional writer in a graceful words elaboration of speech, also seem to be easily.However, in question time 30 minutes after the students, Clinton will face many serious. By him on the spot selection of seven students, the enough to let him deeply understand: young people in China, according to the speech of the president of the United States does not accept.To ask the first question of students is sharply pointed out that, Chinese people since the reform and opening up, to American culture, history and literature have better understanding, even enjoyed the famous American movies such as "iron durnik", but the American people's understanding of China is less poor. He asked Clinton: "how are you going to strengthen the peoples real understanding and mutual respect?"Clinton said: "you have to put forward a good idea." He admitted: "there is no easy answer to your question." Clinton said he brought a crowd of journalists to visit China, in the hope that this trip to the complete and objective reflect the scene. Clinton is also pleased to have the students read hair law in the north, and said that the people of the two countries more and better communication.However, another problem immediately followed the sharp. The second student accused the United States has been in the sale of advanced weapons to Taiwan and Japan revised US Japan Defense Treaty, the China's Taiwan Province are also included in the scope of military operations. The student said: "if China is the missile toward Hawaii and signed a security treaty with other countries, needle in front of a part of the territory of the United States, the United States government and people will agree?"The audience burst into warm applause. Clinton's first show serious expression. He clarified: "the policy of the United States not to interfere to the unification of China and Taiwan." He spent a lot of tongue and explain the United States 20 years has been pursuing the policy of "one China", requirements on both sides of a peaceful solution to the problem. He also called for, never think that the United States is the destruction of their China policy. Clinton told the audience here, they will see the two countries have more cooperation in regional security issues. Clinton said: "we can not use the past conflicts as a mirror look at today's agreement."
    Clinton may think he said that, but it's a problem immediately made him feel embarrassed. Third students said, Chinese people's expectations is the establishment of bilateral friendship on the basis of equality. He asked Clinton: you came to China with a smile, said to be "communication", but your smile is behind the cupboard?


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