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Training Delivery Specialist 微软北京招聘




  • TA的每日心情
    2016-5-12 10:12
  • 签到天数: 29 天


    发表于 2012-4-12 15:12:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    China MSSU DOC Roles & Responsibilities


    Role : contractor

    Location: Beijing  

    Consulting the MS Way


    o   Book trainers

    o   Book SMEs (1-2 are required depending on trainer)

    o   Open PO with Oxygen

    o   Send calendar invites to trainers – only required you use Outlook.  May use Learning Central

    o   Book classrooms and breakout rooms

    o   Print courseware

    o   Order Materials

    o   Create class in Learning Central

    o   Reconcile class in Learning Central

    o   Create class in RMS

    o   DiSC Assessment

    §  Send DiSC communication

    §  Set up DiSC account

    §  Order/ Pay DiSC Assessments

    §  Create DiSC spreadsheet & upload





      Premier End to End


    o   Book internal trainers

    o   Send calendar invites to trainers– only required you use Outlook.  May use Learning Central

    o   Book data privacy guest speaker – required for China version?

    o   Book classrooms and breakout rooms

    o   Print courseware

    §  Facilitator’s Guide (Very Large)

    §  Participant Materials

    o   Create class in Learning Central

    o   Reconcile class in Learning Central

    o   Create class in RMS

    ·         Welcome Event?

    o   Prepare slide for logistics reminders

    o   Catering?


    ·         Group Dinner

    o   Book venue

    o   Select menu

    ·         Name badges – required for China?

    o   Order name badge holders

    o   Print name badges

    o   Create contact card

    o   Assemble name badges (contact card, meal cards, name plate)

    ·         Order meal cards; open PO for meal cards

    ·         Catering – in room? – required for China?

    ·         Shuttles/ Transportation

    o   Open PO

    o   Create shuttle schedule

    ·         Hotels

    o   Sources hotels

    o   Open PO for AMEX meeting card to pay for hotel (or they can have attendees pay for the hotel and expense it back to IO)

    o   Roommates?

    §  Send communication for roommate requests

    §  Create rooming list; send hotel

    ·         Building/ Security Access

    o   Contact GSAM for access to campus buildings - required for China?

    ·         Trainer Packet

    o   Order Folders

    o   Create trainer packet

    §  Meal cards

    §  Roster

    §  Helpful info on bldg or nearby cafeterias

    §  Medical Information

    §  China Team & Useful Contact Card

    ·         Order/distribute participation certificates

    o   Provide China on-site team with certificate file and print instructions

    o   Print Certificates

    o   Add to Envelopes

    o   Distribute to participants

    ·         Coordinate/take group photo

    ·         Order/distribute laptop bags – required for China?

    ·         Create session aliases

    ·         Communications – TBD

    o   Provide China on-site team with Redmond templates?

    o   Create China communications

    §  Placeholders

    §  Individual Class Invites

    §  Participant Prep

    §  Role/ Name Conf

    §  Reminders

    §  Pre-Req

    §  Etc.

    ·         Registration

    o   Identify China hires in MSSU Reg tool

    o   Send invitations, reminders, confirmations

    ·         Surveys/ Evaluations

    o   Create Overall Consensus (or similar) program survey

    o   Send reminders:

    §  Overall Survey

    §  Class Surveys (automatic if LC is used)

    ·         TTT – coordinate China trainers attending Redmond TTT

    ·         Create session demographics; distribute to trainers, SME’s and guest speakers

    ·         Training with Redmond DOC team

    o   Weekly conference calls, e-mail questions, etc.


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